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Budget Amendments

Budget Amendments

After adoption of the final budget, departments may proceed to submit budget transfers to increase, decrease, delete or add new budget line items. This can be done by initiating a budget amendment in Workday. Amounts must be rounded off to the nearest dollar.  A job aid on Budget Amendments is available at the Workday Project Implementation Training Page of the SOCCCD Business Services SharePoint.

Approval of Budget Amendments

The approval process for budget amendments in Workday are driven by the budget worktags. Cost center managers are responsible for the review and approval of amendments. If budget transfers relate to grants, approval by grant reviewers and grant officials are required. Final approval is done by District Fiscal Services. 

 Budget Transfers between Accounts in the General Fund Division Budget

 Divisions can only transfer between 'discretionary accounts'. That is, accounts for non-contract salaries (2300's, 2400's, 1300’s and 1400’s), supplies and materials (4000's), services (5000's), and capital outlay (6000's).  Contract salaries and benefits budgets are to be left intact unless transfers are due to a change in circumstances affecting the contract position.

 Budget Transfers between Locations

 Budget amendments cannot take place between Saddleback College, IVC, ATEP and District Services. If an outside location is requesting payment for expended funds on behalf of a Saddleback College department, reimbursement can be done by an expense transfer. Please refer to Section 1.25 of the CAS Guide for Expense Transfer Procedures.   

Budget Transfers between Funds

 Budget transfers cannot take place between funds, e.g., ASG, Community Education, Child Care Center, Foundation Accounts.  If a fund needs to be reimbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of another fund, the reimbursement may be done by submitting an expense transfer. Please refer to Section 1.25 of the CAS Guide for Expense Transfer Procedures.   

Budget Transfer between Accounts in Categorical Programs/Grant Awards

Grants and  categorical programs have specific budget and expenditure guidelines.  Transfers between budget line items  must meet specific guidelines outlined in the grant agreement or categorical program instructions.  Please refer tothe Grants and Contracts Homepage for grant management procedures and resources.